


2020 was an extraordinary year, marked by a global pandemic and a host of other challenges. As the world entered an unprecedented era of social distancing and remote work, many new phrases and words began to enter the public lexicon. From \"Zoom fatigue\" to \"contact tracing,\" these latest internet buzzwords reflect the changing times and have become part of our everyday language.

One of the most popular internet buzzwords of 2020 was “WFH” or “Work From Home.” As the pandemic spread, many companies around the world began to implement remote working policies, leading to the widespread adoption of this term. It has since become a regular part of our vocabulary, representing the new normal of working from home.

Another popular phrase from 2020 was “social distancing.” This term was used to describe the practice of keeping a physical distance from other people in order to reduce the spread of the virus. It has since become a part of everyday life, with many countries implementing laws to enforce it.

The term “contact tracing” also became popular in 2020. This refers to the process of tracking the movements and contacts of people who may have been exposed to the virus. It is an important part of helping to contain the spread of the virus and has become a regular part of life in many countries.

Finally, 2020 saw the rise of the phrase “Zoom fatigue.” This refers to the feeling of exhaustion caused by the overuse of video conferencing apps like Zoom. As remote working and online meetings became more commonplace, many people found themselves increasingly fatigued by the constant use of such apps.

The new year of 2021 has also seen its share of popular internet buzzwords. One of the most prominent is “vaccine passport” which is used to describe digital documents that prove a person has been vaccinated against the virus. This term has become more and more commonplace as countries around the world rollout their vaccine programmes.

Another new phrase for 2021 is “social media detox.” This refers to the practice of taking a break from social media in order to reduce stress and improve mental health. The rise of this term reflects the increasingly widespread recognition of the negative impacts of social media on our wellbeing.

In conclusion, 2020 and 2021 have seen a range of new phrases and words come into the public lexicon in response to the pandemic. These words and phrases reflect the changing times and have become part of our everyday language. From “WFH” to “vaccine passports,” they are a reminder of the challenges we have faced and the ways we have adapted during this difficult period.

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